
Home > HALL, Mayre

Volume III: Biographies


HALL, Mayre **

Actress (1914)

Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Mayre Hall played ingenue parts for Thanhouser in 1914.

Biographical Notes: Mayre Hall (whose first name was pronounced "Mary") spent her childhood in Cincinnati, Ohio. She entered films, playing ingenue parts. For IMP she appeared in several films in 1913, including Secret Service Sam (July 12, 1913). She was with the Thanhouser studio in New Rochelle by 1914 and appeared in various minor roles. After Muriel Ostriche left the Princess Department of Thanhouser and went on to play in regular Thanhouser releases, Mayre Hall often played as leading lady opposite Boyd Marshall in Princess subjects. In this context she was featured in advertising and publicity, particularly in Reel Life, the Mutual Program house organ.

A 1914 Biographical Sketch: An article in The Moving Picture World, November 14, 1914, told of her career to that point: "Miss Mayre Hall, who was formerly with the Imp company and now leading lady for the Thanhouser in the Princess Company, was born on a farm in the state of Ohio. Her parents moved to Cincinnati when she was a very small child. At the age of eight years, with her mother she was playing in stock, and she remained with stock companies until she was 15 years old, when she branched out on the vaudeville stage and made a grand success. Working alone, the greatest hit she made while in vaudeville was doing Italian impersonating and, as she was gifted with a very sweet voice, she was the headliner at many theatres on the circuit of which she played.

"We might say that Miss Hall has been constantly on the stage from the time she was eight years old and until April 1913, when she came to New York to fill an engagement with the Imp Company. Miss Hall is 19 years old, very pretty, animating, quick to anticipate her directors and has filled her parts with such rare ability that it is only a matter of time that she will become one of the most popular stars in moving pictures. Miss Hall at the present time lives in New Rochelle near the Thanhouser studio." After Miss Hall's Thanhouser experience virtually nothing concerning her appeared in the trade publications.

Thanhouser Filmography:

1914: When the Wheels of Justice Clogged (5-31-1914), The Outlaw's Nemesis (6-21-1914), The Widow's Mite (6-28-1914), The Leaven of Good (7-12-1914), The Pendulum of Fate (7-21-1914), The Tell-Tale Scar (8-9-1914), His Winning Way (Princess 9-4-1914), The Cripple (10-6-1914), The Rescue (10-11-1914), The Touch of a Little Hand (Princess 10-16-1914), Old Jackson's Girl (10-20-1914), The Face at the Window (Princess 10-23-1914), The Dead Line (Princess 10-30-1914), When Vice Shuddered (Princess 11-6-1914), Seeds of Jealousy (Princess 11-13-1914), A Bum Mistake (Princess 11-20-1914), The Wild, Wooly West (Princess 11-27-1914), The Creator of "Hunger" (Princess 12-4-1914), In the Conservatory (Princess 12-11-1914)

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