
Home > HUTCHINSON, Kathryn

Volume III: Biographies


HUTCHISON, Kathryn *

Actress (date?)

Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Kathryn Hutchison was once an actress with Thanhouser, according to a listing in the 1917 edition of the Motion Picture News Studio Directory.

Biographical Notes: Kathryn Hutchison, born in 1895, followed a stage career, playing stock in Romance, Broadway and Buttermilk, and other productions. Her screen career included work for National, Universal, Thanhouser, and Metro (The Square Deceiver). She was 5'4" tall and a brunette. In 1917-1918 her address was in care of her agent, Kirmmse, Inc., 105 West 40th Street, New York City.

Note: Kathryn Hutchison is not to be confused with the somewhat similarly named Kathryn Hutchinson, of Boston, born circa 1883, who in 1911 and 1912 was romantically linked with millionaire Howard Gould in sensational newspaper articles.

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