
Home > STEVENS, William H.

Volume III: Biographies


STEVENS, William H. *

Actor, scenario writer, director (1914-1915)

Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Will Stevens (as his name usually appeared in credits) was an actor, scenario writer, and director for Thanhouser in 1914 and 1915.

Biographical Notes: The New Rochelle Pioneer, January 16, 1915, reported that Will Stevens was directing Helen Badgley in a scenario he had written for her, in which she was to play the part of a little boy. The picture was released two months later as Little Bobby. Over a period of time, Stevens worked with several different stage and film companies.

Thanhouser Filmography:

1915: His Sister's Kiddies (2-21-1915), Little Bobby (3-14-1915), Just Kids (Princess 4-9-1915), Uncle Jeremiah (scheduled for production in 1915 but apparently never made; listed under 12-31-1915 in the filmography section of the present work)

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