
Home > CLEMENTS, Joseph

Volume III: Biographies


CLEMENTS, Joseph *

Studio employee, actor, assistant director


Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Joseph Clements was a technical advisor, studio employee, assistant director, and actor circa 1914-1915.

Biographical Notes: Joseph Clements worked with Thanhouser circa 1914-1915. By April of the latter year he had moved to the World Film Corporation's rented premises in the Mittenthal Studio in Yonkers and was working as a technical advisor with former Thanhouser director Howell Hansel.

Variety, May 22, 1929, printed this obituary: "Joseph Clements, 40, pioneer film man, died May 20 [1929] in Bellevue Hospital, Camden, New Jersey, of pneumonia. Mr. Clements had long been recognized as an art and technical director and for some time had been employed by the Victor Talking Machine Company in Camden, and by Columbia Pictures. For 15 years he had been identified with picture work and at different times had been with all the different big producing companies."

Thanhouser Filmography:

1914: Sid Nee's Finish (12-20-1914)

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