

Volume II: Filmography




September 27, 1910 (Tuesday)

Length: 1,000 feet

Character: Comedy


ADVERTISEMENT, The Moving Picture World, October 1, 1910:

"It's a Thanhouser-made pie that you'll get a slice of if your exchange man is honestly looking after your interest.... You really need comedy like this in your business."


SYNOPSIS, The Moving Picture World, October 1, 1910:

"Life in a country town is often tedious and tiresome, and were it not for the little dinners and teas the townsfolk are constantly given, existence in some localities would be a very dreary thing indeed. So the time honored get-togethers of the small town are an established feature to the social calendar; they are just as much a matter of necessity and as such have come to stay. The Gales thought well of this established feature. They made it a joyous occasion for themselves as well as their guests. They were hardly an overly wealthy family, and their table was never notable for an oversupply of the good things of life, but whenever they gave a dinner they cast all thoughts of economy to the country winds and worked to the one end that their guests have a pleasant time.

"On the night before such an event neither Mamma, Pappa, or Daughter Gale could get those minutes' solid sleep for thought that they might have overlooked some essential in the guests' comfort. At the first crow of the rooster they would come hopping down to the kitchen to get the larder into shape. So little wonder that on occasion of the dinner here pictured - when the prize dish was a splendid homemade mince pie - the Gales were ever looking after the need of the said pie. First Mamma Gale would tiptoe to the table whereupon it sat in solemn state, and give it a stir; then Pappa Gale would tiptoe over and give it a stir; finally Daughter Gale would have to come over and honor it likewise.

"Then arrived the guests. The Minister and the Mrs. Minister, they were, and some neighbors. While she was receiving them the recollection came to Mamma Gale that the beloved mince pie had not received its flavoring. Off she speeds to a decanter of whiskey in the kitchen. She pours into the pie the right proportion of liquor, and goes back to her guests. Then Pappa Gale remembers that the pie has not been flavored. He, too, excuses himself and a moment later is found pouring whiskey into the sacred mince. No sooner has he ceased and returned to his guest than Daughter Gale, who has just remembered about the forgotten flavoring, rushes in and makes for the whiskey. She pours 'the right proportion' in, too."


REVIEW by Walton, The Moving Picture News, October 8, 1910:

"A story dealing with 'trousers' on the same lines as this has been current for centuries. To me the last scene had no humor. It was only the necessary ending to the beginning. True humor does not emanate from cognac."


REVIEW, The Moving Picture World, October 8, 1910:

"A domestic comedy with a different flavor. In fact, with a mince pie for a basis the flavor comes to resemble brandy very strongly by the time that the cook, the maid and the mistress of the house and her daughter have added the proper proportion of flavoring, neither one knowing that the others have done likewise. The humor in this piece centers around this pie. What happened to the guests who partook of it certainly draws upon the imagination. Imagine eight people, not to speak of the cat, getting drunk on the brandy in one mince pie! One could appreciate a short skit on the idea, but to feature such whimsical subjects as a full reel, taking up 20 minutes [sic], is a mistake. We do not single out this subject as being more evidently padded than others shown on the screen this week. Licensed as well as Independents were guilty and it is time that the manufacturers realize the importance of the scenario end of matters. The mince pie episode was well done, which is the faint praise that we do not like to mete out to anyone."


REVIEW, The New York Dramatic Mirror, October 5, 1910:

"This is the old story of too many cooks, and it is quite funny after the first scenes are out of the way. The early part of the film takes too much time with trivial details leading up to the final situation. The lady of the house has the cook make a mince pie for a dinner. She expects a church deacon and other guests, and is anxious to have the pie be a credit to the house. So, she orders brandy put in the pie. By very clever handling every member of the family puts in a little brandy, with the result that the pie's potent influence makes all the guests tipsy. A weak point in the story is the fact that the pie is cut into eight small pieces, making it difficult to believe in its remarkable power. Two pies would have been as easy to make as one and would have been more convincing. The character parts are all well taken, although the cook would have been better if she had not seized so many opportunities to talk directly at the camera."

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