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Volume II: Filmography



M. Lecoq (a.k.a. Mons. Lecoq; a.k.a. Monsieur Lecoq) (August 26, 1915)

Ma and Dad (July 5, 1912)

Mad Hermit, The (August 9, 1910)

Madonna of the Poor, A (October 27, 1914)

Magnet of Destruction, The (March 30, 1915)

Mail Clerk's Temptation, The (September 17, 1912)

Maker of Guns, A (July 6, 1915)

Making the Major a Mayor (Falstaff) (June 15, 1916)

Man of Honor, A (April 25, 1916)

Man of Iron, A (February 16, 1915)

MAN SHE LOVED, THE (British release title for For The Man She Loved) (released in the United States July 8, 1913)

Man She Made, The (working title for The Woman and the Beast)(Graphic Features) (April 17, 1917)

Man With the Hoe, The (November 15, 1914)

Man Without a Country, The (Jewel) (September 9, 1917)

Man Without Fear, The (June 19, 1914)

MANAGER'S MISTAKE, THE (British release title for When She Played Broadway) (released in the United States May 9, 1916)

Man's Sin, The (April 20, 1916)

Marble Heart (May 13, 1913)

Marceline, the Window Cleaner (working title for The Mishaps of Marceline) (March 7, 1915)

Marvelous Marathoner, The (Falstaff) (August 16, 1915)

Mary Lawson's Secret (April 1, 1917)

Mary's Goat (October 27, 1912)

Masked Ball, The (a.k.a. Trapped by the Flames) (Episode 18 of The Million Dollar Mystery) (October 19, 1914)

Massive Movie Mermaid, A (Falstaff) (August 30, 1915)

Master Hand, The (Princess) (September 18, 1914)

Master of Millions, A (November 21, 1911)

Master Shakespeare, Strolling Player (April 20, 1916)

Master's Man, The (a.k.a. The False Friend) (Episode 2 of The Million Dollar Mystery) (June 29, 1914)

Master's Model, The (March 16, 1915)

Maud Muller Modernized (Falstaff) (March 2, 1916)

Mc Carn Plays Fate (Thanhouser-Reliance) (August 18, 1914)

Medium's Nemesis, The (August 22, 1913)

Menacing Past, The (a.k.a. Her Menacing Past) (January 5, 1915)

Merchant of Venice, The (July 26, 1912)

Mercy on a Crutch (July 13, 1915)

Mermaid, The (July 29, 1910)

Message From Niagara, A (February 23, 1912)

Message From the Heart, A (Episode 11 of Zudora, now retitled The Twenty Million Dollar Mystery) (February 1, 1915)

Message Through Flames, A (August 10, 1915)

Message to Headquarters, The (September 12, 1913)

Messenger of Death, The (July 28, 1914)

Messenger of Gladness, A (November 22, 1914)

Mettle of a Man, The (September 20, 1914)

Milestones of Life (working title: The Four Seasons) (July 29, 1915)

Militant Suffragette, A (December 29, 1912)

Milkman's Revenge, The (December 7, 1913)

Mill on the Floss, The (December 16, 1915)

Million Dollar Mystery, The (Serial in 23 episodes): Episode 1: The Airship in the Night (a.k.a. A Call in the Night) (June 22, 1914); Episode 2: The False Friend (a.k.a. The Master's Man) (June 29, 1914); Episode 3: The Safe in the Lonely Warehouse (July 6, 1914); Episode 4: The Top Floor Flat (a.k.a. The Flat on the Top Floor) (July 13, 1914); Episode 5: At the Bottom of the Sea (a.k.a. The Problem of the Sealed Box) (July 20, 1914); Episode 6: The Coaching Party of the Countess (July 27, 1914); Episode 7: The Doom of the Auto Bandits (August 3, 1914); Episode 8: The Wiles of a Woman (August 10, 1914); Episode 9: The Leap From an Ocean Liner (a.k.a. The Leap in the Dark) (August 17, 1914); Episode 10: The Eavesdropper (a.k.a. The Past a Blank) (August 24, 1914); Episode 11: In the Path of the Fast Express (August 31, 1914); Episode 12: The Elusive Treasure Box (September 7, 1914); Episode 13: The Secret Agent From Russia (a.k.a. An Agent From Russia) (September 14, 1914); Episode 14: Tracked by the Secret Service (a.k.a. Norton Makes a Discovery) (September 21, 1914); Episode 15: The Borrowed Hydroplane (a.k.a. Another Trap Set) (September 28, 1914); Episode 16: Drawn Into the Quicksand (a.k.a. Treachery in the Household) (October 5, 1914); Episode 17: A Battle of Wits (a.k.a. Setting Traps for Norton) (October 12, 1914); Episode 18: Trapped by the Flames (a.k.a. The Masked Ball) (October 19, 1914); Episode 19: A Blank Sheet of Paper (October 26, 1914); Episode 20: The Secret Warning (a.k.a. Braine Tries Another Weapon) (November 2, 1914); Episode 21: The Documents in the Treasure Box (a.k.a. A Packet of Papers) (November 9, 1914); Episode 22: The Waterloo of the Conspirators (a.k.a. A Night of Adventures) (November 16, 1914); Episode 23: The Missing Million (a.k.a. The Solution of The Million Dollar Mystery; a.k.a. The Secret of the Million) (February 20 and 22, 1915)

Million Dollar Mystery, The (reissue in 6 reels by Arrow Film Corporation) (June 3, 1918)

Millionaire Milkman, The (December 16, 1910)

Minnie, the Mean Manicurist (Falstaff) (December 6, 1915)

Miracle, The (British release title: Love's Miracle; no relation to the Thanhouser film of the same name released in the United States on May 20, 1912) (September 26, 1915)

Miser's Reversion, The (March 24, 1914)

Mishaps of Marceline, The (working title: Marceline, the Window Cleaner) (March 7, 1915)

Miss Arabella Snaith (May 3, 1912)

Miss Mischief (June 8, 1913)

Miss Robinson Crusoe (October 8, 1912)

MISS TAGU OF TOKIO (British release title for Miss Taqu of Tokio) (released in the United States November 19, 1912)

Miss Taqu of Tokio (British release title: Miss Tagu of Tokio) (November 19, 1912)

Missing Heir, The (British release title: The Lost Heir) (November 7, 1911)

Missing Heir, The (a.k.a. Kidnapped, or the Mystery of the Missing Heiress) (Episode 9 of Zudora) (January 18, 1915)

Missing Million, The (a.k.a. The Secret of the Solution; a.k.a. The Solution of the Million Dollar Mystery) (Episode 23 of The Million Dollar Mystery) (February 22, 1915)

Missing Million, The (a.k.a. The Missing Millions) (Episode 14 of Zudora) (February 22, 1915)

Missing Witness, The (August 12, 1913)

Mistake of Mammy Lou, The (November 7, 1915)

Mistress and Maid (November 1, 1910)

Mme. Blanche, Beauty Doctor (Falstaff) (July 9, 1915)

Modern Lonchinvar, A (June 29, 1913)

Modern Monte Cristo, A (working title: Buried Treasure) (British release title: Eye For an Eye) (February 4, 1917)

Mohammedan Conspiracy, A (May 12, 1914)

MOMENT OF GREAT SACRIFICE, THE (British release title for The Moment of Sacrifice) (released in the United States April 13, 1915)

Moment of Sacrifice, The (British release title: The Moment of Great Sacrifice) (April 13, 1915)

Mons. Lecoq (a.k.a. M. Lecoq; a.k.a. Monsieur Lecoq) (August 26, 1915)

Monsieur Lecoq (a.k.a. M. Lecoq; a.k.a. Mons Lecoq) (August 26, 1915)

Monsieur Nikola Dupree (May 4, 1915)

Moth, The (August 29, 1911)

Mother (September 6, 1910)

Mother of Her Dreams, The (September 10, 1915)

Mother's Choice, A (September 1, 1914)

Mother's Faith, A (November 17, 1911)

Moths (Mutual) (September 1913)

Motoring (June 9, 1911)

Movie Fans (Falstaff) (April 30, 1915)

Mr. Cinderella (October 25, 1914)

Mr. Meeson's Will (November 6, 1915)

Mrs. Pinkhurst's Proxy (January 4, 1914)

Mrs. Van Ruyter's Stratagem (November 24, 1914)

Mummy, The (March 7, 1911)

Musician's Daughter, The (April 14, 1914)

Musickers (Falstaff) (September 5, 1916)

My Baby's Voice (March 29, 1912)

My Country (working title for War and the Woman) (September 9, 1917)

My Wife (working title for His Wife) (October 28, 1915)

Mystery of Eagle's Cliff, The (October 3, 1915)

Mystery of the Chang Case (part of the title of The Foiled Elopement, or the Mystery of the Chang Case; Episode 8 of Zudora) (January 11, 1915)

Mystery of the Cheese Maker, The (a.k.a. The Mystery of the Dutch Cheese Maker) (Episode 3 of Zudora) (December 7, 1914)

Mystery of the Dutch Cheese Maker, The (a.k.a. The Mystery of the Cheese Maker) (Episode 3 of Zudora) (December 7, 1914)

Mystery of the Frozen Laugh, The (working title for The Mystery of the Sleeping House, Episode 2 of Zudora) (November 30, 1914)

Mystery of the Haunted Hills, The (a.k.a. The Secret of the Haunted Hills) (Episode 4 of Zudora) (December 14, 1914)

Mystery of the Haunted Hotel, The (October 21, 1913)

Mystery of the Lost Ships, The (a.k.a. The Phantom of the Future) (Episode 7 of Zudora) (January 4, 1915)

Mystery of the Missing Heiress (part of the title of Kidnapped, or the Mystery of the Missing Heiress) (Episode 9 of Zudora, now retitled Zudora in The Twenty Million Dollar Mystery) (January 18, 1915)

Mystery of the Perpetual Glare, The (a.k.a. The Case of the Perpetual Glare) (Episode 5 of Zudora) (December 21, 1914)

Mystery of the Sleeping House, The (a.k.a. The Sleeping House Mystery; working titles: The Frozen Laugh; The Mystery of the Frozen Laugh) (Episode 2 of Zudora) (November 30, 1914)

Mystery of the Spotted Collar, The (a.k.a. The Mystic Message of the Spotted Collar) (Episode 1 of Zudora) (November 23, 1914)

Mystery of Wall Street, A (February 11, 1913)

Mystic Message of the Spotted Collar, The (a.k.a. The Mystery of the Spotted Collar) (Episode 1 of Zudora) (November 23, 1914)


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