$10.00 plus S/H

The Monkey and Her Driver

Now on DVD

Or stream online at https://vimeo.com/thanhouser/monkey

Proceeds benefit

Watch the Trailer

This is the story of Kendra and Betty, America’s only all-women sidecar road racing team,
their balky sidecar “Dixie”, and how they went from finishing in last place to winning the respect
of fellow competitors, sponsors, and race fans during the 2015 SRA-West season.
Watch this film online on Vimeo,com, DreamRacer.tv, The Vintagent, and Artemis Motion Pictures.

The Monkey: Kendra McDonald

Age: 32, from Portland, Oregon. Kendra has been riding motorcycles since 2005. She has been an active member of the Oregon motorcycle community almost as long as she has been riding, organizing and helping with events, attending Coalition of Clubs (COC) meetings, pushing for motorcycle-friendly legislation, and more. She became a member of the Flying Fifteen MC in 2014 when she also began volunteering with OMRRA as Taste of Racing Coordinator. Kendra competed in her first sidecar racing event on an F1 car at Miller Motorsports Park in 2014.

The Driver: Elizabeth Herlocker

Age: 27, from Portland, Oregon. Betty has been riding motorcycles since she was a teenager in 2006. She deepened her ties to the motorcycle community beginning with her volunteering with Oregon Motorcycle Road Racing Association (OMRRA) as Crash Truck Operator in 2009 and is now on the Safety Committee. She began racing sidecars with the Sidecar Racers Association-West in 2012 as co-driver for Scotty Lane on their F2 2002 GSXR 1000. Betty became a member of the Flying Fifteen Motorcycle Club in 2015 where she teamed up with Kendra for the 2015 SRA-West season.

Extended Interviews


1. Johnny Bravo (2:27)

2. Tamara Moore (8:57)

3. Heidi Neidhöfer (10:10)

4. Kevin Starr (7:56)

5. Scotty Lane (9:30)

6. Donn Sayer & John Heenan (12:33)

7. Johnny Killmore (17:12)

8. Kendra & Betty (6:15)

Bonus Short Subject

Portland Alley Sweeper (4:10)


Music by Bitch School


The Filmmaker: Ned Thanhouser

Age: 67, from Portland, Oregon. Ned is an award winning documentary film- maker, cinematographer, editor, and president of Thanhouser Company Film Preservation (www.thanhouser.org). His feature documentary The Thanhouser Studio and the Birth of American Cinema won a Special Jury REMI Award at the 2014 WorldFest-Houston and was broadcast on Turner Classic Movies in 2015. Ned is an active member of the Portland motorcycle community, and producer of several short documentaries about motorcycle activities in Oregon.

DVD is $10.00 plus shipping and handling. Proceeds benefit Fifteen Racing (www.fifteenracing.com).

You can also stream this video online at www.vimeo.com/ondemand/themonkeyandherdriver

Contact the Filmmaker
Copyright © 2016 Ned Thanhouser. All Rights Reserved.