Volume III: Biographies
Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Frances Keyes appeared in many Thanhouser films from 1914 to 1916, most of which were Princess or Falstaff releases.
Note: Her first name was often misspelled as "Francis" in Reel Life and in other official publicity.
Thanhouser Filmography:
1914: All's Well That Ends Well (Princess 2-20-1914), The Eugenic Boy (3-15-1914), Lost - A Union Suit (5-10-1914), In Her Sleep (Princess 5-15-1914), Her Duty (Princess 8-7-1914), The Balance of Power (Princess 10-2-1914)
1915: It's an Ill Wind (Falstaff 5-28-1915), When Hungry Hamlet Fled (8-17-1915), Pansy's Prison Pies (Falstaff 9-6-1915), Gustav Gebhardt's Gutter Band (Falstaff 9-27-1915), Dicky's Demon Dachshund (Falstaff 10-7-1915, Capers of College Chaps (Falstaff 10-11-1915), The Film Favorite's Finish (Falstaff 11-11-1915), Minnie, the Mean Manicurist (Falstaff 12-6-1915), Clarence Cheats at Croquet (Falstaff 12-9-1915), When William's Whiskers Worked (Falstaff 12-20-1915), Uncle Jeremiah (scheduled for production in 1915 but apparently never made; listed under 12-31-1915 in the filmography section of the present work)
1916: The Optimistic Oriental Occults (Falstaff 1-3-1916), Hilda's Husky Helper (Falstaff 1-6-1916), Grace's Gorgeous Gowns (Falstaff 1-18-1916), Pete's Persian Princess (Falstaff 1-20-1916), Beaten at the Bath (Falstaff 1-27-1916), A Clever Collie's Comeback (Falstaff 2-1-1916), Ruth's Remarkable Reception (Falstaff 2-22-1916), Pansy Post, Protean Player (Falstaff 3-21-1916), Pedro, the Punk Poet (Falstaff 3-23-1916), The Snow Shoveler's Sweetheart (Falstaff 3-30-1916), Oh! Oh! Oh! Henery! (4-4-1916), Willing Wendy to Willie (Falstaff 4-29-1916), The Dashing Druggist's Dilemma (Falstaff 5-1-1916), Freddie's Frigid Finish (Falstaff 5-13-1916), Steven's Sweet Sisters (Falstaff 5-20-1916), Sammy's Semi-Suicide (Falstaff 5-27-1916), Doughnuts (Falstaff 6-17-1916)
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