Volume III: Biographies
Thanhouser Career Synopsis: A. Sully Guard appeared in the 1915 Thanhouser release of The Necklace of Pearls.
Biographical Notes: Prior to his involvement with the Thanhouser Film Corporation, Guard was associated in vaudeville with Dorothy Rogers. In 1915 Sully Guard lived at 9 Division Street in New Rochelle. He went to Florida to act in films in Thanhouser's Southern studio, and died on March 21, 1916. His mother was Inda Palmer Guard, known as Inda Palmer, a long-term actress with Thanhouser.
The New York Dramatic Mirror, April 1, 1916, carried this item: "Jacksonville, Fla. (Special). A. Sully Guard of New York, character man for the Thanhouser Motion Picture Company, is dead, and J.W. McKenzie, of the same firm, is in a critical condition at a local hospital as a result of an auto accident. Norman Acker and Harry Tipton of Jacksonville, also occupants of the car, were injured seriously. The auto, running at high speed, crashed into a telephone pole a few miles from the city, and was demolished. Pieces of timber pierced Guard's skull, causing instant death. His body is being held here, pending advice from New York relatives." On April 8, 1916, the same publication noted: "The remains of Sully Guard, formerly of the Thanhouser studios, were interred in St. Mary's Cemetery here [New York]. Services were held at the church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 a.m., March 23."
The Evening Standard (New Rochelle), March 22, 1916, reported: "Word has been received that A. Sully Guard, a Thanhouser actor, was killed early yesterday morning in an automobile accident near Jacksonville, Florida where several Thanhouser companies are working. No details had reached New Rochelle at noon today and nothing was known at the studio except the bare message that reached there yesterday. No effort has been made from here to investigate the matter because of the presence of Mr. Thanhouser in Jacksonville. The statement dated at Jacksonville yesterday says: 'A. Sully Guard, New Rochelle was killed and J. W. McKenzie, New York, and Harry R. Lipton [sic] and Norman Acker, Jacksonville, were injured early today when their automobile running at 60 miles an hour struck a telegraph pole.' It is said by friends however that it is reported the accident happened about 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Guard was with the Thanhouser force about one year as an extra man sometimes playing heavy leads. His mother, Inda Palmer, is with the Thanhouser companies at Jacksonville. It is said the others named in the statement from Jacksonville are unknown here."
More appeared in The New York Dramatic Mirror, April 29, 1916: "Jacksonville, Fla. (Special) - At a meeting of the Thanhouser Club held March 24th, 1916, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: 'Whereas, The untimely demise of A. Sully Guard, a member of the Thanhouser Club, is deeply regretted by all of the members of the Thanhouser Club; and - Whereas. The Thanhouser Club assembled at a regular meeting taking recognition of the sad calamity and in deepest sympathy with his mother, Mrs. Inda Palmer Guard, be it - Resolved. That the Thanhouser Club go on record as expressing its sincerest sympathy and condolence for Mrs. Palmer, and that the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to her. - Thanhouser Club W. Ray Johnston, Secretary.'"
Thanhouser Filmography:
1915: The Necklace of Pearls (12-19-1915)
1916: The Oval Diamond (2-24-1916)
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