Volume III: Biographies
Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Peggy Glynn was an actress with Thanhouser in 1911.
Biographical Notes: Apparently, Elsie Glynn, known as Peggy Glynn, was with Thanhouser for just a short time, during which tenure she appeared in at least one film. The Moving Picture News, March 9, 1912, printed a picture of Peggy Glynn standing next to a telephone pole, and presented the following article: "PEGGY GOES TO VAUDEVILLE: The little comedienne who played the title role in all the releases in Lubin's 'Peggy' series has left moving picture work and entered vaudeville. She has enlisted with Lydia MacMillan in a variety sketch, and so we shall miss her face in the films. 'Peggy' (or Peggy Glynn, to give her full name) made a reputation in Independent pictures before she joined the licensed Lubin organization. She was with Powers and Thanhouser, and made a hit in one of the latter pictures called The Train Despatcher...."
Elsie ("Peggy") Glynn was pictured in The New York Dramatic Mirror, January 31, 1912, in an article, "A Dozen Lubin Favorites." At that time she was with Lubin's comedy company in Florida. The accompanying text noted: "The Lubin company now in Florida is under the management of Arthur D. Hotaling. The troupe numbers 30 people, the principals of which are Mae Hotely, Jerold Hevener, Peggy Glynn, George Rechin, Robert Burns, Spottiswoode Aitken, and Walter Stull. This organization carries a Pullman sleeping coach, and a day coach; also a 70-foot baggage car containing a big outfit of scenery and the probably accessory props and furniture. The first stop will be made at Jacksonville, the itinerary to follow being Daytona, Miami, St. Augustine, Knight's Key, and thence to Cuba, returning by way of New Orleans and up the Mississippi River...." At one time, before going into vaudeville, she acted in Powers films.
Thanhouser Filmography:
1911: The Train Despatcher (8-18-1911)
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