Volume II: Filmography
May 13, 1916 (Saturday)
Length: 1 reel
Character: Comedy
Scenario: Lloyd F. Lonergan
Cast: Jay C. Yorke (Freddie), Frances Keyes (his sweetheart), Elise Jordan (Daisy), Charles Emerson (The Snowman)
SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, May 6, 1916:
"Freddie's father-in-law had a hasty temper. Freddie got used to the old man. But fresh trouble arose when his sweetheart's cousin came to pay the family a visit. Freddie was politely attentive to her. There was a quarrel. That night his sweetheart had a wonderful dream. She thought she read the advertisement of a hypnotist of renown, who guaranteed to supply life partners for a fee. She made an appointment and while waiting for him to call, she and her cousin constructed a snowman. Then the professor turned the snowman into a live man. Later she met Freddie, and they were happy until the professor unexpectedly appeared. He demanded the payment of his fee. Refused, he turned Freddie into a snowman. And then - she awoke."
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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.