Volume II: Filmography
Early Life of David Copperfield, The (October 17, 1911)
East and the West, The (October 6, 1911)
East Lynne (January 26, 1912)
Easy Mark, An (April 12, 1912)
Eavesdropper, The (a.k.a. The Past a Blank) (Episode 10 of The Million Dollar Mystery) (August 24, 1914)
Ebenezer Explains (Falstaff) (June 18, 1915)
ELAINE (mentioned in a 1913 news item but never made)
Elevator Man, The (January 25, 1914)
Elevator Romance, An (April 28, 1911)
Elusive Diamond, An (January 23, 1914)
Elusive Treasure Box, The (Episode 12 of The Million Dollar Mystery) (September 7, 1914)
Emperor's Spy, The (September 13, 1914)
Enemies of Society (working title for Her Life and His) (February 18, 1917)
Errand of Mercy, An (July 11, 1913)
Eugenic Boy, The (March 15, 1914)
EVANGELINE (mentioned in a 1913 news release but never made)
Everybody Saves Father (January 10, 1911)
Evidence of the Film, The (January 10, 1913)
Evil Woman, The (working title for The Net) (April 1, 1916)
Expert's Report, The (December 29, 1911)
EX-PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S FEATHERED PETS (British release date: June 12, 1916; apparently not released by Thanhouser in the United States)
Express C.O.D. (May 4, 1913)
Extravagance (March 5, 1912)
EYE FOR AN EYE (working title: Buried Treasure) (British release title for A Modern Monte Cristo) (released in the United States February 4, 1917)
Eye of Krishla, The (June 22, 1913)
Eyes of Eleanor, The (working title for When Love Was Blind)(April 15, 1917)
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