Volume II: Filmography
May 15, 1916 (Monday)
Length: 1 reel
Character: Comedy
Cast: "Oscar and Conrad:" Claude Cooper (Oscar) and Frank E. McNish (Conrad); Gladys Leslie (Adelina)
Note: This marked the first appearance of the duo billed as the "Oscar and Conrad" comedy team, consisting of Claude Cooper and Frank E. McNish, two Thanhouser stock players who had appeared in numerous earlier films. The duo appeared on the cover of the April 22, 1916 issue of Reel Life.
ADVERTISEMENT, Reel Life, May 13, 1916:
"Claude Cooper & Frank E. McNish start out to become detectives, but it proves unbecoming - in fact, it becomes worse as they become experienced! Oscar & Conrad are legitimate comedians - funny snappy and clean. Get this one! Watch for more!"
SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, May 13, 1916:
"Oscar and Conrad were retired when a husky sheriff appeared at their office and threw them out in the street. They did not know what to do. Still opportunity is waiting and a chance came their way. The star of the Frivolity Theatre, adorable Adelina, had disappeared, and a reward was offered for her return. Oscar and Conrad went earnestly to work. According to the description she wore a large black hat and striped silk stockings, and the men hunted for a girl with striped silk stockings. They found several, but got into more or less trouble while doing so. Finally Conrad was smuggled into the theatre in a trunk. Owing to the fact that he carried an aggressive watch, he got into fresh difficulties. Adelina heard the ticking, yelled for assistance, and the stagehands threw the trunk into the street. Adelina was promptly nabbed by Oscar and forced to admit her identity. The two men demanded the reward for discovering adorable Adelina, and the press agent gladly gave two tickets for the evening performance."
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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.