Volume II: Filmography
May 22, 1916 (Monday)
Length: 1 reel
Character: Drama
Cast: "Oscar and Conrad:" Claude Cooper (Oscar) and Frank E. McNish (Conrad); Riley Chamberlin (Major Mannering), Gladys Dore (his granddaughter)
ADVERTISEMENT, Reel Life, May 20, 1916:
"Here's No. 2 of this comedy edition. This time Oscar and Conrad enter politics. Their entrance is slow, but their exit is swift."
SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, May 20, 1916:
"Major Mannering is a veteran of the Civil War. Oscar and Conrad, two middle-aged lawyers, are daily visitors at his home. They are both in love with May. May, however, is in love with Frank, who is opposed by the major. One day Conrad rushes into the major's library with joyful news that he has been nominated for mayor. He finds himself ordered out of the house with the strict injunction not to enter it again. Oscar arrives at the head of a committee and informs the major that the Democrats have nominated him for mayor. Election day arrives and the major is returned the winner. The major insists on an immediate marriage of Frank and May. Great is his amazement when the headline informs him in staring capitals that a recount has given Conrad the election by a small plurality."
REVIEW, The Moving Picture World, May 27, 1916:
"An amusing comedy, in which a rivalry between three middle-aged men for the office of mayor of the town proves beneficial to a pair of young lovers. One of these men is the father of the pretty maiden of the story, and is desirous that she marry a man of fifty. She has her own ideas on the subject, however, and wins her point when dad believes that he has been elected."
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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.