Volume II: Filmography
British release title: ONLY A VOLUNTEER
January 29, 1915 (Friday)
Length: 1 reel (480 feet)
Character: Comedy
Cast: David H. Thompson (David Simpson), Minnie Berlin (belle of the village), Clifford Saum (Hiram Jones), Jock Gironda (policeman), Helen Badgley, Leland Benham
Notes: 1. This film was listed as a drama in a schedule printed in The Moving Picture World, issue of January 16, 1915. 2. This film was unusually short for a one-reel release.
ARTICLE, The Morning Telegraph, February 14, 1915:
"Dave Thompson, starred in The Volunteer Fireman, started his performance in that production by appearing as a barber. 'Funny thing,' he remarked recently, 'that razor work and face-scraping stuff has got me fascinated. I didn't use to shave myself, but now I do, and what's worse is the desire to operate on the capillary stubble has got me going so strong that I am asking my friends to let me shave them. 'Will they let you?' a friend asked. 'Not any more,' said Thompson with a sigh. 'You see, I've already put two stars out of business for a week.'"
SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, January 23, 1915:
"David Simpson, the village barber, is also a volunteer fireman. When he hears the fire bells he abruptly leaves his customer in the chair, and throwing the razor on the floor, rushes to the scene of action. He especially desires to distinguish himself, as he is in love with the belle of the village and has a formidable rival in Hiram Jones. But in the end Jones wins out. He kicks Simpson off Mazie's front porch, and the volunteer fireman is picked up by Jock, the smallest and bravest policeman on the force, and bundled off in the patrol wagon which is a dog-catcher's cart."
REVIEW, The Morning Telegraph, January 24, 1915:
"Simpson in addition to being a barber is also a volunteer fireman. When the alarm bell rings he leaves his customer and runs to the fire, intent upon distinguishing himself to win Mazie. But he only succeeds in extinguishing himself, for Hiram Jones wins her."
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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.